Bened News
2022-06-27 17:48

Bened Wallet - Tutorial

Hello dear friends, today we want to tell you how to work with the wallet Bened.
So, lets begin.

To start working with Bened platform coins, install the original beta version of the native wallet from the app: Google Play Store. 

Bened Wallet is a fully native and decentralized app that allows you to generate passphrases, store them on your phone, sign outgoing transactions and randomly connect to Bened network nodes.

The Bened wallet does not connect to any centralized servers: you can independently choose a node for direct access to the blockchain. 

3 All cryptographic operations and functions are performed directly on your device without transferring to the network sensitive data and personal information.
The company Soldo Constant Limited takes no responsibility for the security of your smartphone and private keys stored in the memory of your device!

4 You can read more about this from the public offer before the first launch of the application. After carefully reading the terms of the public offer and agreeing to them, you can start working with the wallet. To get started, suggest a safe PIN code consisting of ten characters - this PIN code will need to be entered every time you log into the wallet. 

Be careful, the PIN code must contain the following characters: Latin letters, numbers and at least two special characters, such as a question mark and a comma. A PIN code strong like this gives you the opportunity to increase the time of its recovery in case you lose your smartphone, or in case it falls into the hands of intruders.

So, you are on the main page of the Bened wallet, let's look at its functions. There are four buttons in the upper panel, let's take a more detailed look at them:
Notebook - when you click on it, the passphrase manager opens, all the accounts you have created will be displayed. Inside the password manager you have three functional buttons:

7 The first one: Create new - when pressed, the password manager closes and the passphrase of the created account appears in the text field. By clicking the central login button, you save this private phrase in the password manager.

Second: Another important function in the password manager is the Backup button - when you click on it, a PDF document with the passphrases of all your accounts is generated, which you can print and hide in a safe place. Be careful - do not send backups by email or via messengers, as this will increase the chances of attackers intercepting them and gaining access to your account.
Third: Next, click close to exit the password manager.

8 The second button on the left is a switch of account access modes:
When the Wallet symbol is enabled, the login will be carried out using a public key with limited transaction capabilities.
When the Key symbol is enabled, the login will be carried out using a passphrase and without restrictions on transactions.
The third button on the left is a service button that contains three functions:

The first on, Camera – this function allows you to scan QR codes containing passphrases to access the account
Second: Paperclip - allows you to import a passphrase from a file.
The third, magnifier glass - creates a QR code with a passphrase or a public key.

Be attentive and do not pass QR codes with passphrases to third parties, so you compromise your account, and also do not forget that to cancel or correct a signed transaction it is impossible. And in case of theft, unfortunately, it will not be possible to cancel the transaction committed by the attackers.

10 So, to create a New cold wallet, you only need two actions:

1. Open the password manager and create a new passphrase, which you will see in the text field of the main page.
2. Next, click sign in.

When writing a new passphrase to your device's memory, you will be asked to assign a wallet name. This name will be displayed in the list of your accounts stored in the password manager. When you enter the account, you can see five functional sections.

let's look at their functions in more detail:

The first section, marked with a wallet-like icon, contains standard functions for any crypto wallet. Let’s take a look of them from top to bottom.

11 First. The short address of the Bened account, for convenient identification and search in the blockchain.
Second. The account name and account description. This is public data that you can write to the Bened blockchain for voluntary verification, which is required in many countries of the world.

3. Account balance in BND coins.

Then there are five service buttons:
First. the button - GET COINS, when you click on it, a window opens. It contains the public details of your account with which other people or services will be able to replenish your balance.
Second. The button - SEND COINS, when you click on it, a form opens to fill in the details of the recipient of your payment. 

12 To send coins, you will need to fill in only three fields: the recipient's Public key; the amount you want to send and a short accompanying message if required.
Third button - SET ACCOUNT INFORMATION – Is the public data that you can set to identify your account. Account information is written in the blockchain and for this entry you need to pay the minimum commission of the Bened network.
Fourth button - CREATE A VOUCHER - this function is for the quick creation of a new account to which Coins will be debited from your account.

13 This function gives you the opportunity of instantly write a check and give it, for example, to a waiter as a tip in the form of a QR code, which you just need to take a picture from the screen of your smartphone. 
So far, this functionality is working in test mode and does not allow you to create a voucher with a face value of more than TWO Bened coins. In the future, the app will be redesigned, and you will be able to write checks for any amount.

14  Be careful, the passphrases of your vouchers are not stored in the application's memory, if you do not save the QR code of the voucher, you will not be able to receive the Coins stored in it.

The second section, marked with an icon similar to a Tractor, contains information received from the Bened blockchain about the state of the Soft Mining and hard Mining functions. The upper scale shows the number of blocks since the specified account has contributed its block to the Bened network. The lower indicator displays the predicted number of coins that your account will generate if you make a transaction. You can read more about the principles of soft mining and hard mining in the white paper on the website.

15 The third section, marked with an icon looking like a hang glider, contains the transaction history. Each record contains information about the numeric transaction ID, the number of network confirmations, the details of the sender and recipient, and the amount of coins sent.

16 The fourth section, indicated by an icon similar to a breeze, displays information about the number of unconfirmed transactions waiting in the queue to be written to a decentralized database.

And finally, the fifth section, marked with a wheel-like icon, displays the nodes of the Bened peer-to-peer network available right now . 

You can choose the node through which you will send transactions of your account.

17 we thank you for spending a little of your time on this manual, and we hope that it was useful for you! If you want to keep up to date with the latest news, subscribe to our YouTube channel, or other social networks from the description. All the best to you and may the Blessing of Constantine the Great be with us!